(* denotes grad student/postdoc advisee as lead author)

+Worley, J. T., Meter, D. J., Ramirez Hall, A., Nishina, A., & Medina, A. (accepted).  Prospecitve associations between peer support, academic competence, and anxiety in college students. Journal of College Student Development.

*Vang, T. M., & Nishina, A. (2022). Fostering school belongingness and students’ well-being through a positive school interethnic climate in diverse high schools.  Journal of School Health, 4, 387-395.

Nylund-Gibson, K., Garber, A., Bellmore, A., Nishina, A., Witkow, M., & Singh, J. (In Press). The utility of latent class analysis to understand heterogeneity in youth coping strategies: A methodological introduction.  Behavioral Disorders.

Nishina, A., & Witkow, M. R. (2021). Conceptualizing and measuring Biracial/Multiracial/Multiethnic status: Friendship homophily in early adolescence. Special issue on Biracial/Multiracial/Multiethnic Early Adolescents, Journal of Early Adolescence, 41, 1289-1307.

*Spiekerman, A. M., Witkow, M. R., & Nishina, A. (2021).  Effects of peer victimization during adolescence: Effects of social support and internalizing coping. Journal of Early Adolescence, 41, 505-526.

Nishina, A., & Witkow, M. R. (2020). Why developmental researchers should care about biracial, multiracial, and multiethnic youth. Child Development Perspectives.

Nishina, A., Lewis, J. A., Witkow, M. R., & Bellmore, A. D. (2019).  Ethnic diversity and inclusive school environments. In Educational Psychologist special issue: Promoting inclusive school climate: Multiple approaches to uniting students across groups.

*Taylor, J. C., Sutter, C., Ontai, L. L., Nishina, A., & Zidenberg-Cherr, S. (2019). Comparisons of school and home-packed lunches for fruit and vegetable dietary behaviors among school-aged youth. Public Health Nutrition.

*Sutter, C., Taylor, J. C., Nishina, A., & Ontai, L. (2019). Parental and family predictors of fruit and vegetable servings in youths’ home-packed lunches.  Appetite.

Nishina, A., & Parra, L. A. (2019).  Discrepancies between retrospective and actual self-reports of peer victimization 6 years earlier.  Journal of Research on Adolescence.

*Rogers Hollifield, C., Conger, K. J., Guyer, A. E., & Nishina, A. (2018). Change in sibling support and school commitment during adolescence. Journal of Research on Adolescence.

*Taylor, J., Sutter, C., Ontai, L., Nishina, A., & Zidenberg-Cherr, S. (2018). Feasibility and reliability of digital imaging for estimating food selection and consumption from students' packed lunches.  Appetite.

*Ramirez Hall, A., Nishina, A., & Lewis, J. (2018).  Discrimination, friendship group diversity, and STEM-related outcomes for ethnic minority college students.  Journal of Vocational Behavior. 

*de Guzman, N. S., & Nishina, A. (2017) 50 years of Loving: Interracial romantic relationships and recommendations for future research.  Journal of Family Theory and Review.  = co-lead authors

Nishina, A., Bellmore, A., Witkow, M. R., Nylund-Gibson, & K., Graham, S. (2018).  Mismatches in self-reported and meta-perceived ethnic identification across the high school years.  Journal of Youth and Adolescence.

*Ramirez Hall, A., & Nishina, A (2019).  Daily compensation can improve college students' participation and retention rates in daily report studies.  Emerging Adulthood.

*Lewis, J. A., Nishina, A., Ramirez Hall, A. N., Cain, S., Bellmore, A., & Witkow, M. R. (2018).  Early adolescents' peer experiences with ethnic diversity in middle school: Implications for academic outcomes.  Journal of Youth and Adolescence.

*Sutter, C., Ontai, L.L., Nishina, A., Conger, K.J., Shilts, M.K., & Townsend, M.S. (2016). Utilizing the Desired Results Developmental Profile (DRDP) as a measure of school readiness: Evaluating factor structure and predictors of school readiness. Early Child Development and Care. Advance online copy. doi: 0.1080/03004430.2016.1174933

*Sutter, C., Nishina, A., Witkow, M. R., & Bellmore, A. (2016).  Associations between adolescents’ weight and maladjustment differ based on deviation from weight norms in social context. Journal of School Health, 86, 638-644.

*Sutter, C., Nishina, A., Scherr, R., Zidenberg-Cherr, S. & Ontai, L. (2016). Sharing, trading, stealing: The role of peers in shaping foods available at lunchtime.  Journal of Early Adolescence, 36, 449-464.

*Bower, A. R., Nishina, A., Witkow, M. R., & Bellmore, A. (2015).  Nice guys and gals finish last? Not in early adolescence when empathic, accepted, and popular peers are desirable. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 44, 2275-2288.

*Sutter, C., Nishina, A., Adams, R. E. (2015). How you look versus how you feel: Associations between BMI z-score, body dissatisfaction, peer victimization, and self-worth for African American and White youth. Journal of Adolescence, 43, 23-28. doi: 10.1016/j.adolescence.2015.05.002 

*de Guzman, N. S., & Nishina, A. (2014).  A longitudinal study of body dissatisfaction and pubertal timing in an ethnically diverse adolescent sample. Body Image, 11, 68-71.

Nishina, A. (2012).  Adolescent daily and general maladjustment: Is there reactivity to daily repeated measures methodologies?  Child Development, 83, 405-412.

Bellmore, A., Nishina, A., You, J., & Ma, T. (2012).  School ethnic context protective factors against peer ethnic discrimination across the high school years.  American Journal of Community Psychology, 49, 98-111. DOI: 10.1007/x10464-001-9443-0

Nishina, A. (2012).  Microcontextual characteristics of peer victimization experiences and adolescents' daily well-being.  Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 41, 191-201.  DOI: 10.1007/s10964-011-9669-z

Nishina, A., Bellmore, A., Witkow, M. R., & Nylund-Gibson, K.  (2010). Longitudinal consistency of adolescent ethnic identification across varying school ethnic contexts.  Developmental Psychology, 46, 1389-1401.

Nishina, A., & Bellmore, A. (2010).  When might peer aggression, victimization, and conflict have its greatest impact? Microcontextual considerations.  Journal of Early Adolescence, 30, 5-26.

*Craine, J. L., Tanaka, T. A., Nishina, A., Conger, K. J. (2009). Understanding adolescent delinquency: The role of older siblings’ delinquency and popularity with peers.  Merrill Palmer Quarterly, 55, 436-453.

Graham, S., Bellmore, A., Nishina, A., & Juvonen, J. (2009). "It must be me": Ethnic diversity and attributions for peer victimization.  Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 38, 487-499.

*Saxbe, D., Repetti, R., & Nishina, A.  (2008).  Marital satisfaction, recovery from work, and diurnal cortisol in men and women.  Health Psychology, 27, 15-25.

*Nylund, K., Bellmore, A. D., Nishina, A., & Graham, S.  (2007).  Subtypes, severity, and structural stability of peer victimization: What does latent class analysis say?  Child Development, 78, 1706-1722.

Bellmore, A. D., Nishina, A., Witkow, M. R., Graham, S., & Juvonen, J.  (2007).  The influence of classroom ethnic composition on same- and other-ethnicity peer nominations in middle school.  Social Development, 14, 720-740.

Nishina, A., Ammon, N. Y., Bellmore, A. D., & Graham, S.  (2006).  Body dissatisfaction and physical development among ethnic minority adolescents.  Journal of Youth and Adolescence.  Special Issue: Body Image, 35, 179-191.

Juvonen, J., Nishina, A., & Graham, S.  (2006). Ethnic diversity and perceptions of safety in urban middle schools.  Psychological Science, 17, 393-400.

Witkow, M. R., Bellmore, A. D., Nishina, A., Juvonen, J., & Graham, S. (2005).  Mutual antipathies during early adolescence: More than just rejection.  International Journal of Behavioral Development, 29, 209-218.

Nishina, A., & Juvonen, J.  (2005). Daily reports of witnessing and experiencing peer harassment in middle school.  Child Development, 76, 435-450.

Nishina, A., Juvonen, J., & Witkow, M. R., (2005).  Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will make me feel sick: The consequences of peer harassment.  Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 34, 37-48.

Juvonen, J., Nishina, A., & Graham, S.  (2000). Peer harassment, psychological adjustment, and school functioning in early adolescence.  Journal of Educational Psychology, 92, 349-359.

Publications: BOOK CHAPTERS

Nishina, A. & Bellmore, A. (in press).  Inequality and neighborhood effects on peer relationships.  In W. Bukowski, B. Laursen, & K. Rubin (Eds.), Handbook of Peer Interactions, Relationships, and Groups.  Guilford Press.

Nishina, A., & Bower, A. (2015). Cultural diversity. In W. George Scarlett (Ed.) The SAGE Encyclopedia of Classroom Management. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Press.

Bellmore, A., Nishina, A., & Graham, S. (2011). Is popularity among peers dependent on the ethnic context?: Differences and similarities across ethnic groups.  In A. H. N. Cillessen, D. Schwartz, & L. Mayeux (Eds.), Popularity in the Peer System (pp. 193-215).  New York, NY: Guilford Publications, Inc.

Nishina, A.  (2004).  A theoretical review of bullying: Can it be eliminated?  In C. E. Sanders & G. D. Phye (Eds.)  Bullying: Implications for the Classroom.  What does the research say? (pp. 36-62). San Diego, CA: Academic Press.

Juvonen, J., Nishina, A., & Graham, S.  (2001). Self-views versus peer perceptions of victim status among early adolescents.  In J. Juvonen & S. Graham (Eds.), Peer Harassment in School: The Plight of the Vulnerable and Victimized (pp. 105-124). New York, NY: Guilford Press.

Juvonen, J., & Nishina, A.  (1997). Social motivation in the classroom: Attributional accounts and developmental analysis.  In P. R. Pintrich & M. L. Maehr (Eds.), Advances in Motivation and Achievement, v. 10, (pp. 181-211).  Greenwich, Connecticut: JAI Press Inc.  



Nishina, A., & Bellmore, A. D.  (2006). The meaning of peer victimization in the United States.  Review of Bullying in American Schools (Espelage & Swearer, Eds.).  Journal of Curriculum Studies, 38, 591-607.

Bellmore, A., & Nishina, A.  (2005).  Review: Adolescent Boys: Exploring Diverse Cultures of Boyhood edited by Niobe Way and Judy Y. Chu.  InterActions: UCLA Journal of Education and Information Studies.  Vol. 1, Issue 2, Article 14.  Retrieved June 21, 2005 from